Restrictive Dieting Harms Your Health In Seven Major Ways

Frequent dieting only worsens the effect, making sustainable weight loss a distant possibility. Fat deficiency While low-fat dieting has been in fashion for decades, healthy fats from foods like meat, fish, eggs, avocados, and nuts and seeds are absolutely necessary for health. Fat cushions organs, coats every cell in the body, and is needed for brain function, production of hormones and absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. Low-fat diets also tend to be high-carb diets, which have been linked to heart disease, cancer and other ills. Protein deficiency Amino acids derived from proteins are used in the body to produce powerful mood-lifting chemicals like serotonin and melatonin are to thank for our sense of well-being and restful sleep.
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The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

This standard is not only remarkably lax but has no medical rationale. If this definition sounds as strange to you as it does to us, garcinia cambogia extract you should know that this was not always the case. The original standard recommended by physicians was arbitrary, but you would be hard-pressed to call it lax. It was based on the Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables , which require particular weights for each height and body frame size. A medium-framed woman of average height (5 foot 5 inches) was expected to weigh about 134 pounds, and a diet would only be considered successful only if she reached that weight.
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Is Dieting Worth the Trouble?


That bodes well for the diet industry but not for the rest of us. So a word to the wise — resist the urge to “diet.” Read the research… diets don’t work; they make matters worse. Modifying how you eat and maintaining the changes is fine and makes sense. That’s not dieting.
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What A Tweet: Louis Tomlinson Branded ‘irresponsible’ After Posting Link To Website Specialising In Weight-loss Supplements On Twitter

Weight-loss surgery yields lasting improvement in health, studies say

Clinical depression may accelerate aging process, study says

Another concerned follower asked: Youre a stick, why would you want to lose weight? Under attack:Louis has been miracle garcinia cambogia criticized for appearing to promote products that include weight-loss supplements Eating disorders have increased by 24% in the UK over the last ten-years with impressionable teenagers the most susceptible age group. Speaking to the Mirror, Lucy Russell the director of campaigns for charity YoungMinds said the singers tweet was poorly judged. Its really irresponsible and short-sighted of him. Louis has such a huge audience especially young girls. Its very silly and remiss of him and the people around him, she said.
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Miranda Lambert Reveals Weight Loss Secrets, Admits She Can’t Give Up Drinking

miranda lambert

I refused. You have to drink to put up with my husband! Just kidding!” Her husband, of course, being Blake Shelton, who has been his wife’s number one supporter throughout her weight loss journey. “He said, ‘I have never had a problem with any way you look at any point — you are beautiful to me at any size and every size,'” Lambert explained of her man.
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A spot of bother: Louis Tomlin has sparked controversy with a new tweet added top his Twitter account this week

November 13, 2013, 7:53 p.m. Fifteen years after they have weight-loss surgery, almost a third of patients who had Type 2 diabetes at the time they were operated on remain free of the metabolic disorder, a new study says. And six years following such surgery, patients had shaved their probability of suffering a heart attack over the next 10 years by 40%, their stroke risk by 42%, and their likelihood of dying over the next five years by 18%, additional research has concluded. The two studies, both presented Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery in Atlanta, offer the first indications of weight-loss surgery’s longer-term health benefits for patients.
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What Women Can Do To Treat Hair Loss

Tiny “follicular units” of two to four hairs are transplanted; this can be effective even for women with diffuse thinning and few areas of “donor hair.” In a survey of hair transplant surgeons led by dermatologist Walter Unger, MD, over half said that at least 40 percent of women with female pattern hair loss are candidates for surgery; many of those doctors believe that up to 80 percent of women with thinning hair can see successful results. ($3,000 to $15,000, depending on number of grafts and transplant sessions) Instant and Cheap Gratification Fullmore ($22) is a tinted spray that temporarily thickens hair with tiny fibers and conceals visible scalp. Hair restoration specialist Lucinda Ellery tells clients to try it before committing to extensions; for many it’s the only fix they need. Pantene AgeDefy Advanced Thickening Treatment ($20) is a styling spray that plumps each hair fiber.
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Hair Loss? It May Be Iron Deficiency

“From our clinic’s experience, it is clear to me that if you replenish hair-loss patients’ iron stores with iron supplements , they are more likely to regrow hair, or at least stop hair shedding,” Cotsarelis tells WebMD. “And they don’t have to be anemic. That is the biggest mistake doctors make.” An even bigger mistake would be for balding people to take iron supplements on their own. Unless you have iron deficiency — diagnosed by a doctor — iron supplements can lead to a very dangerous condition from iron overload. Hair Loss May Be a Symptom of Serious Illness A sensitive way to check total body iron stores is to measure the amount of ferritin in the blood.
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